I am delighted to share my first official article published today after being named an Executive Contributor for Brainz Magazine!
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

1. It’s never too late to quit.
Do you have to quit today? Many work-related problems fade rather quickly. Give yourself time to manage the event that might be tempting you to cash it in. Dropping the mic and walking away can be tempting—but what’s the rush? You don’t need to decide whether you’re going to stay or walk away today. Give yourself the luxury of time and perspective.
2. Make sure your choice to leave is your choice to leave.
Sometimes catastrophic work-related events color our vision, squeezing out all that is right and wonderful with our worlds at work until the only option we can see clearly is an exit sign. While there are certainly times when we may need to leave—sometimes our emotions run wild and prevent us from seeing our own distorted thinking. Is there a habit, practice, or initiative that you need to start or stop doing that could make a big difference in your world of work right now? Maybe personal growth in your current workplace is what your brain is trying to push you toward. And that ‘stay and grow’ door sits right next to that ‘exit sign’ in our minds. Make sure you don’t mistake the call to stay and grow in the glare of a pulsing exit sign.
3. Clarity is your friend.
Walk yourself through the questions you would ask your best friend struggling with the ‘should I stay or should I go’ decision. What’s driving your desire to resign? Do you want to leave—or do you need to change something in your current setting right now? Do you need to go—or is there something that no longer serves you in the way you are seeing and experiencing yourself at work?
4. Is the grass really all that green on the other side of the proverbial fence?
While there certainly are many benefits to embracing change professionally and personally, we often underestimate the impact of transitions. How will shifting into a new job impact you, your family, and your career? What if your shiny new job turns out to be a pit of vipers wrapped in a “grass is always greener” veneer? What is your game plan for addressing the unintended consequences of the challenges and changes that transitioning into a new job—or no job—brings?
5. What if you could be happy/happier/happy enough where you are?
What would it take for you to become content with your current circumstances? What are the three best things about your current workplace—and how can you capitalize on them? What are the three worst things about staying in your current workplace—and how can you orchestrate improvements? Perhaps advocating for yourself financially and asking for additional compensation is in order. How can you contribute to your own personal and professional growth while remaining where you are for the time being? Perhaps joining or starting professional development opportunities could help you stay refreshed. Engaging in a life-affirming hobby can do wonders for your energy and perspective both on the job and at home. Another great way to expand connections and broaden your perspective while staying at the same job is to become actively engaged in professional organizations at the state, national, or international levels.
You’ve got my permission to stay. What will it take to permit yourself to stay in your current role? Here’s to the courage to dig deeper, listen to the desires of your heart, and allow yourself time and space to reframe instead of joining the great resignation.
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