Catherine is featured on, talking about her writing journey.
You can read the full article here.
Catherine is featured on, talking about her writing journey.
You can read the full article here.
Read the article here.
Thrilled to be featured (along with my latest release, Shattered by Death) on
Head on over and read the article.
Catherine Finger and Shattered by Death is featured in the Northwest Herald today.
You can read the full article online here.
Author Catherine Finger is interviewed by the Chicago Tribune.
You can read the full article here.
So excited to have Shattered by Death featured on USA Today’s Happily Ever After.
A great feature and, because it’s you, an exclusive excerpt. Go check it out.
Happy Sunday!
I’ve been uncharacteristically quiet for the past several weeks during the launch of my Jo Oliver Thriller series. Those of you who know me well know that I love to throw a good party, and I love to play with giveaways, and make up crazy little book-themed momentos to share with readers. I’d every intention of doing all of that and more for the launch of this series. I have not done so–yet. And here’s why.
Two months ago today my mother died. On the same day CLEANSED BY DEATH was released. I knew in the moment that once I’d paid grief’s heavy toll the pairing would seem sweet to me.
Two days from now SHATTERED BY DEATH will be released and I am so very excited and so very grateful. I’d be doing cartwheels and featuring house-size blow up displays of my favorite scenes from SHATTERED BY DEATH in my front yard if I wasn’t muted by grief. My mother used to tell me to “lean into the pain” whenever life dealt me an impossibly cruel hand and I’m leaning into the shadows of her passing now. This ability to face difficult circumstances has made me who I am today and is one of the character traits I strive to illustrate in Chief Jo Oliver.
And by the way, my mother’s mother was named Josephine. Oliver was the maiden name of my father’s mother. So you see how my dear protagonist evokes a deep sense of home, of rootedness, and of powerful women as I write. Gifts of my heritage and I am grateful.
The dedication for SHATTERED BY DEATH reads simply “This one’s for you, Mom.” She was proud of my work, she was proud of my books, and I know she’d love this one.
I hope you do too!
Know that as the shadows of mourning fall away, there WILL be some house-sized, crazy-fun promotions in my future as SHATTERED BY DEATH finds a place in this world.
Thank you to #RemainInHisLove for the wonderful interview. Please pop over and say hi!
Good Catholic girl that I am, I grew up making and delivering May Day baskets, twining brightly colored garlands, and plotting my revenge on any other girl daring to cast her eye on the Queen of May Day’s glittery crown. I was all about becoming Queen, even back then. As I look out on my back yard, heavy with dew this morning, I am awash in visions of brightly colored hanging baskets, pots full of pansies, and any other living thing harkening the arrival of spring. A bit of plant shopping is in my immediate future.
While the ancient fertility rites associated with May Day have long faded away, today I contemplate the beauty of fertility, the promise of new life, and the comfort of nature’s lush spring colors. This notion of fertility has me thinking of ways I can breathe new life into old relationships, by sharing modern May Day baskets with those around me. First stop: my kitchen.
Today I am strengthening cherished friendships with the nutrients of time and a great meal shared around my kitchen counter. What says ‘renewal’ better than a latke Reuben sandwich, with a dark chocolate and bacon cupcake chaser? A cardinal hopped around my roof as I hatched this plan to usher in the month of renewal, as if to heartily endorse my own version of a fertility rite.
So for the entire month of May, I am going to reach out to a different person every day, with my own version of a secret May Day Basket—just for them. It could be as simple as an unexpected phone call; a card dropped in the mail; a spur of the moment lunch invitation. Fertility can surprise you, and I trust new ideas and avenues of spreading love and joy to others will reveal themselves as I walk blindly forward in my vision of encouraging a new person each day.
One of May Day’s ancient traditions involved washing one’s face with the dew off the grass early in the morning on this day. It was believed that this ritual brought radiance, youthful appearance, and renewed beauty to those who believed. Today I believe in the power of renewal through reaching out to love and serve those around me. It strikes me that my simple little celebration of fertility aligns nicely with my lifelong goal of obedience to The One Most High, as defined by His two greatest commandments:
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind…. You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37-39
Now go get your own May Day on! I’d love to hear your ideas of ways to inspire new life around you this month.
On this Good Friday, I found myself joining Hawaiian elders before 6:00 a.m. for an ocean side meditation. They spoke of the sacred, about how The Spirit is waiting for us to come back to Him—to ourselves—to the earth.
Caught up in the world, we lose touch with our spiritual selves and mute The Spirit’s voice calling us to come home to Him.
All this while the ocean waves pounded behind us.
They invited us to go into the ocean, to the depth that felt safe for each, to be alone with The Spirit, and let Him speak to our hearts.
I’d every intention of just wading to my knees. But the current was so strong it knocked me over into the sand, and I couldn’t stand up with out being knocked over again! I was laughing out loud, as I just relaxed, leaned in to the ocean’s power, and allowed myself to be carried by the waves. They were crazy high, foamy and wild. I had a blast body surfing every time a big one came toward me, and I found myself facing the tides, awaiting the next in joyful anticipation.
And then I heard God speak to me: “Rise to meet the waves.”
He went on in His elegant simplicity: “Ride the waves, and enjoy the ride.”
Ride the waves–and enjoy them. My great Good Friday message.