The newest Jo Oliver Thriller!
Greetings Jo Oliver fans! I am thrilled to announce that Capsized by Death, book 4 of the Jo Oliver thriller series, is coming out in just a few weeks! This latest edition pairs my favorite female police chief with my favorite island. Turns out there’s a lot that can go wrong in paradise—but nothing that a few good, armed and specially trained friends can’t handle. Capsized by Death was a lot of fun to write and once again, the writing process took me completely by surprise as unexpected developments and new characters emerged. Many of you know that my first three novels were largely written during solo vacations on Maui, so it seemed fitting that at least one of Jo’s adventures would lead her to my favorite Hawaiian island. I am inviting a small group of dedicated Jo Oliver fans to join me for a pre-release reading and reviewing event. Would you like to join our merry band of reviewers? Please reach out to me and I will send more information. Book reviews are our bread and butter as authors and my goal is to procure fifty reviews in the next fifty days. Watch for sample chapters to be posted on my website in the next week or so. Writing on, Catherine |