Dream on…
Dreams matter.
What is your dream?
What do you most hope for in your life?
What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
We all need dreams, hopes, and goals—reasons to get out of bed in the morning—something that makes our hearts sing. What are yours? Have you thought about them lately? Today I’m encouraging you to get a life—by dreaming bigger.
Several of my dearest friends have entered the second half of life—as I have. A recent conversation with one of my friends went something like this: “Cath, am I too old to go back to school and hone my professional skills? I mean, does it even matter, at my age? Should I spend time, energy, and money on something so inconsequential, as opposed to doing something great for the kingdom of God?”
I love this question! And I loved my answer: heck yes! YES. Answer your heart’s call. Respond to the desires of your heart, and trust that God is in it. We don’t know if we have another day, another minute, or another twenty, thirty, or forty years on this planet before Him. We do know that He has created us in His image, with unique gifts and talents that only we can invest and offer to others.
Serving God, and doing great things for His kingdom, can look as different as each one of us. Certainly the Bible speaks to how we spend our time, money, and talents. We are called to live in community, in active submission and service within a body of believers. I believe if you are obeying God in all areas of your life, as you understand Him, and you are practicing the basic Biblical disciplines of worship, prayer, tithing, and serving others—you can trust your heart’s desires.
My heart leaps at the idea of writing good books. I love to tell a good story and to make it interesting by raising the stakes—it just plain makes me happy! Is that changing lives? Is that changing the world? I have no idea. I just know that it makes me enormously happy, and I feel led and called to do so. My heart also leaps at the idea of going back to a certain island paradise. My sundresses are perpetually lined up next to my suitcase, happily awaiting my next trip. And I guarantee you—there will be a next trip. Soon.
This short life is a gift. We all face struggles, losses, unspeakable sorrows, and unspeakable joy in our journey. God is calling you to live a life of MORE, not less, as you face a new day on this planet. He has more for you. He has a life of purpose, of belonging, and of unsurpassed joy.
Take a moment today to bend your knee, bow your head before Him and ask Him to reveal new dreams to you, for you. Ask Him to make your heart sing, and lead you into His glorious good news for you.
What’s Your Sign?
Don’t worry, I’m not the type to go around asking strangers for a light, or encourage them to tell me their astrological signs. And while I’d like to tell you that God goes before me with a pillar of clouds by day, and a pillar of fire by night, God’s leading in my life is usually a little harder to discern. Which makes those rare occasions when He knocks me over with an almost miraculous clarity all the more, well, divine.
God is not shy when answering my legit prayers of distress. Many times when I’ve fallen bare-souled and broken hearted before Him, He has made Himself real to me with a comfort deep in my spirit that warms me even now. And He ‘gets’ me, He really does. He knows me well enough to know when to honor me with intimacy in His divinity. He knows I don’t need signs to strengthen my faith in Him, but He also knows I really like a little drama every now and then. At the end of 2015, He gave me two exciting signs I’ll carry with me forever.
Late last November, at the end of one of my solitary Night Walks, on an uncommonly warm evening, I was stunned to find an owl sitting atop the highest corner of my house. Easily the largest owl I’d ever seen, he peered down at me authoritatively, as if he owned the joint, and I was merely passing through. His head swirled around at my approach. He stared at me for long moments as I stood, transfixed, before him. The majesty of the moment caused me to bow my head, and offer prayers of thanksgiving for the wonder of this glorious creature, standing out in bas relief against the inky, starless sky.
Later I was reminded that the owl symbolizes change, transition, and even death in some cultures. My owl offered me peace as I contemplated necessary endings in my professional and personal life. A blanket of peace enabling me to face the knowledge that some things in my life needed to be allowed to die in order to make room for new life.
My owl served as a rich reminder to accept the beauty and the inevitability of change, transition, and even death as the miracle of life thrums on around us.
My second great sign came immediately after a prayer offered up from a hot tub in December. I know, I know, not the most elegant of prayer sites, but bear with me. I was praying about my leadership book, in a hot tub, after rising up to pray at 4:00 a.m., for seemingly no good reason. It’s happened to you, right? You wake up, hearing that still, small voice, in the early hours, calling you to pray. Sometimes you answer, sometimes you go back to sleep. This time, I listened to that voice. And I followed it to a hot tub, and found myself in the middle of a miracle.
Now to pray in a hot tub, is to cut to the chase. I surprised myself by asking for forgiveness for not having finished the draft of a leadership manuscript by the year’s end as I’d hoped. I humbly asked God to forgive me. I reminded Him that this book is His, and that I need His help to finish it, and to honor Him in so doing. I asked Him to give me His power, His wisdom, and His ability to write the best possible leadership book in His perfect timing. At that very moment, a shooting star flew across the sky. I sat, spellbound in my swimsuit, measuring its glorious ascent from one palm tree to another. It shot across the length of the pool, and then rocketed through the black expanse of sky stretching over the ocean. I stared after it, until a flash caught my eye, and another shooting star scampered after the first! I screamed in delight, and then I laughed out loud, offering a water bottle toast to the King of Kings.
My shooting stars—time-honored symbols of assurance of a dream about to come true—felt like a promise I’d already heard. “That I will publish with a voice of thanksgiving and tell of all Thy wondrous works.” (Psalms 26:7)
My shooting stars felt like a reaffirmation of what I’ve already been called to pursue. “Behold, I am making all things new….Write, for these words are faithful and true.” (Revelations 21:5)
My shooting star felt like a call to get back to work, joyfully.
An owl and a shooting star—now that’s a wondrous story I can tell, and publish with a voice of thanksgiving.
God Calling-softly, quietly
Step out into the Irresistible Future with Him
Forget what lies behind, and reach forward to what lies ahead. Philippians 3:13
Happy New Year!
I hope you are experiencing the fullness of joy while spending time with family and friends this holiday season. My holiday season has been bright with people I love around my table in both Wisconsin and Illinois, and I am grateful. Loving and supporting my beautiful mother, as dementia continues to plague her, is both a challenge and a privilege. I was by her side for much of the holiday season—and I now have enough material for a whole new series! Having also had the chance over the holidays to bask in the beauty of waves and whales on my now semi-annual writing getaway—I am brimming with great news on the writing front.
A year ago today, we were just concluding my very first book release party for Alabaster Vases at Dalton’s Cakes in Grayslake—and many of you celebrated with me. 2015 proved to be a wild and wonderful ride as I cut my teeth at book signings and events— and I am so grateful to you for joining me in the journey. I am thrilled to share that the second book of the series, Shattered Masks, will be released with a new publisher on Tuesday, June 7, 2016. We will also be presenting a relaunch of Alabaster Vases in April in anticipation of the release of Shattered Masks. I am just now in the final throes of catching the killer (oops! Spoiler alert!) in book three, Sacrificial Basins.
And no one was more surprised than me to discover over my holiday writing break that there will indeed be a book four!
As we begin the new year, I am grateful for the opportunity to share my stories and my writing adventure with you. Please know that as a subscriber to my newsletter, you can expect to receive six editions from me this year—two more than last year. In addition to general book information and special giveaway promotions, I will share a few fun facts, excerpts from new books, and some items of special interest. I would very much appreciate your help in spreading the word about this newsletter. Please encourage any interested friends to sign up here.
Several of you know that I am also writing a non-fiction book on leadership. This book includes interviews with several top-notch leaders at the local, county, state, and national level and continues to be a joyful and humbling experience. At some point, I will very likely offer two different main branches on my website, allowing readers to pursue either the fiction or the leadership content. More on that in the coming weeks.
As we jump into an exciting new year together, know that I appreciate each and every one of you and I look forward to seeing you in 2016. I leave you with one of my favorite quotes from Oswald Chambers:
Leave the Irreparable Past in His hands, and step out into the Irresistible Future with Him.
Maui Is My Muse
I’ve just returned from Maui—my go to place for non-stop writing, punctuated by midnight swims, early morning hot tubs, and fresh pineapple on the beach watching the first bold rays of the sun. Maui was my gift to myself, and to Sacrificial Basins, book 3 in my Murder with a Message series.
Maui inspires me, and my writing is richer after time spent in her presence. My captivating muse always has me glued to the ocean like a hapless teenager, really noticing boys for the first time. Only the objects of my affection here are the waves, and the whales. Great big, beautiful whales. Breaching in brassy, macho displays. Flapping their tails to a beat I fancy I can feel, but cannot hear.
Whales. Every morning, every evening. From my balcony sipping green ginger tea. From my beach chair, lying still in the sun after a good brisk swim. From the ocean where I dip down deep in the midst of a breathtaking snorkeling adventure, to listen to their eerie underwater love calls. From the sand, basking in the warmth of this good earth, ocean breezes cooling the sun enough to lightly kiss my skin. Whales. Teasing me to self-kindness in my solitude—not my natural inclination. I am glad.
And in this unexpected solitude, I find God. Or He finds me. Or we find each other. And I smile. And I am grateful for this season of solitude and wonder, where I was led to do some of my deepest reflection, and precious little else. And any writer knows that doing nothing at all can lead to deep, rich writing—it has for me, and I am grateful. God has met me in His word, in His Spirit, in this paradise, and I am glad.
In this season of holiday solitude, He has gifted me with His presence, His healing in areas I didn’t know were in need of His touch. And I am grateful.
He has restored me to full health. As a writer, as His woman. As one who notices birds fallen from their nests, snails inching along hot pavement without a shell, whales belting out their ocean love songs. Selah.
Book Catherine
If you’d like to book Catherine for a speaking or signing event, please request information via email.
Short Bio
Like her heroine, Police Chief Jo Oliver, Dr. Catherine Finger is committed to protect and serve, but instead of handcuffs and handguns, she uses her wit and wisdom as a high school superintendent and a community volunteer in Grayslake, Illinois. When she’s not working or writing she can be found enjoying God’s presence and the people of New Hope Church in Round Lake, Illinois. She is passionate about sharing God’s truth through her fiction. Alabaster Vases is her debut novel and the first in the Murder with a Message series.
Introducing Shattered Masks
Good Morning and Happy Sunday Everyone! Today’s the day! I’m thrilled to announce that SHATTERED MASKS, book 2 in my Murder with a Message series, has been selected as the Grand Prize Winner in the Deep River Books Writing Contest!
That I May Publish with a Voice of Thanksgiving
Good Morning Everyone!
This is a day that I HAVE to share a really cool verse that came to me during my morning prayer time Monday in preparation to share some crazy good news very soon.
God has been the constant in my life since I was 16 years old in a very personal way. And He has been faithful to lead, love, support, and comfort me ever since.
A few years ago, He gave me a verse that I felt was a direct push to keep on in my writing journey: “And He who sits on the throne said to me, ‘Behold, I am making all things new.’ And He said, ‘Write, for these words are faithful and true.’”
On Monday morning, He gave me this verse from Psalm 26:7, “that I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving and tell of all Thy wonderous works.”
This verse follows on the heels of admonishments to obey Him, and to walk in integrity. Sort of an ‘if p then q’ sort of progression.
The way it’s worded is of course catnip to a writer! So I’ve been praying about it and enjoying the feeling of it all week.
And then, driving home yesterday after work, I got an amazing phone call…regarding my writing…
Something I’ll shout from the rooftops on March 15th.
Stay tuned and stay grateful for another day in His kingdom!
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